The book is pressed right
into my face; I've cannily opened the tome, to widen the shielding properties. I
hum and haw over this. The shield is wider, though now thinner. And it's still paper-based,
so only acts as a temporary shield. However, if I wait too long the smoke will nail
me. So a temporary shield is all I need. I've opened the book with the pages facing
me, and all I take in during this fiery drama is the letter E.
2. Asleep in your rebuilt
house, you dream of meeting a dead author. But not in a creepy stalkerish way, so
you shoo Mr Poe out of the kitchen. Instead, you sit down and have cake with which
dead author?
That one. Him. And I berate
him for having wasted my time on his fiction. As he sits slack-jawed, I eat his
portion of cake.
3. Would you name six essential
items for writers? If, you know, cornered and threatened with torture.
Yes, it was a GREAT idea to
answer this question differently every single time. Well, I - oh - hey, look
at that interesting thing over there...
4. Who’d win in a fight between
Count Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster? If, you know, you were writing that scene.
Someone else steps in and
wins this fight. Did you ever hear of...Kong?
5. It’s the end of a long
and tiring day. You are still writing a scene. Do you see it through to the end,
even though matchsticks prop your eyelids open, or do you sleep on it and return,
refreshed, to slay that literary dragon another day?
The question is clearly bogus.
Who says I'll wake feeling refreshed?
6. You must introduce a plot-twist.
Evil twin or luggage mix-up?
I introduce a mix-up that
isn't meant to be part of the plot. This mixed-up mix-up involves luggage belonging
to a guy named Mick. Mick's mixed-up mix-up diverts the readers from a massive hole
in the plot - something to do with an evil twin. I wasn't really listening. What
was the question again?
7. Let’s say you write a bunch
of books featuring an amazing recurring villain. At the end of your latest story
you have definitely absitively posolutely killed off the villain for all time and
then some. Did you pepper your narrative with clues hinting at the chance of a villainous
return in the next book?
Yes, but the villain then
returns in a prequel instead.
8. You are at sea in a lifeboat,
with the barest chance of surviving the raging storm. There’s one opportunity to
save a character, drifting by this scene. Do you save the idealistic hero or the
tragic villain?
I save both and watch them
fight it out - drifting in the ocean would be empty and meaningless otherwise.
9. It’s time to kill a much-loved
character – that pesky plot intrudes. Do you just type it up, heartlessly, or are
there any strange rituals to be performed before the deed is done?
First, I mix up some luggage.
10. Embarrassing typo time.
I’m always typing thongs instead of things. One day, that’ll land
me in trouble. Care to share any wildly embarrassing typing anecdotes? If, you know,
the wrong word suddenly made something so much funnier. (My last crime against typing
lay in omitting the u from Superman.)
I recall typing this pen
is running out of ink, omitting a space of strategic importance.
11. I’ve fallen out of my
chair laughing at all sorts of thongs I’ve typed. Have you?
These days, my office chair
has no castors. I'd say falling out of my chair is slightly more difficult, as a
result of the change.
12. You take a classic literary
work and update it by throwing in rocket ships. Dare you name that story? Pride
and Prejudice on Mars. That kind of thing.
The Maltese Millennium Falcon.
13. Seen the movie. Read the
book. And your preference was for?
What a cracked question. And
it's taken me this long to realise. I've missed out books I've read and associated
movie adaptations I haven't seen. Yes, I've read The Scarlet Letter. No,
somehow I haven't managed to catch D. Moore
in the movie version. Let's try a quote from Demi.
"In truth,
not very many people have read the book."In its day, from the off, Nat Hawthorne's book was a bestseller. Maybe one day I'll watch that film. Yes. One day.
14. Occupational hazard of
being a writer. Has a book ever fallen on your head? This may occasionally happen
to non-writers, it must be said.
I should have given thought to other occupational hazards. Or boons. Your odd behaviour is always explained away by using the old magic charm...
"Oh, I'm a writer."
After saying that to worried guards, have no fear. Those people will let you wander nuclear power stations.
15. Did you ever read a series
of books out of sequence?
This is far easier to do if
you read comic books. Batman hit the stands in 1939. Every decade, it became necessary
to recreate the character. Update. Alter. Revamp. Good luck reading all the Caped
Crusader's adventures in order.
16. You encounter a story
just as you are writing the same type of tale. Do you abandon your work, or keep
going with the other one to ensure there won’t be endless similarities?
Work is abandoned when it
is published.
17. Have you ever stumbled
across a Much-Loved Children’s Classic™ that you’ve never heard of?
I've bumped into a few I wish
we could all pretend we'd left unread.
18. You build a secret passage
into your story. Where?
I'd build it where no one
would expect. Where is that? Even I don't know. I've been looking for that secret long now? Must be here somewhere. This loose panel...
19. Facing the prospect of
writing erotica, you decide on a racy pen-name. And that would be…
Max Jiggle.
20. On a train a fan praises
your work, mistaking you for another author. What happens next?
We go to sea in a beautiful
pea-green boat.
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